Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Morning & Hip Surgery Update stuff XD

Okay, I sériously dunno why I put an XD behind that surgery thingy but yea.. and what is this apostrophe above the "e"? lol Am I tuning spanish or anything..?
Yeeea~ I'm sorry XDDD
So yea I just woke up so excuse my craziness, cause I'm still a bit dizzy ÖwÖ
Okay anyways! Tomorrow I have to go to this appointment in a hospital (which is 2 hours by car away =A=) where the final decision will be made wether I'm going to need a surgery or not.. so I guess, wish me luck guys? ^^''
I'm kinda scared of the outcome.. 
I really dun want a surgery.. but if, I'll have to have a break from YT for like over half a year which would really suck >_<

Lastly: Yesterday.. or the day before (?) I uploaded the 2nd chapter of my Big Bang fanfic Clumsy People! Please check it out right here: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/124684/2/clumsy-people-it-could-ve-turned-out-worse
That's it for today~ bye~~ <33

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