Tuesday, May 8, 2012

1 week =A=

Awww gawd!! It's only one week to go! Next Tuesday I'll be leaving for the US! You can't believe how excited I am. I actually kinda thought there is way more time to go.. but then yesterday I looked on my laptop's calendar and went like...

I still need to go to a travel agency and get informations about the trains and stuff so I can meet up with dear Xhirachu TwT

I haven't slept the whole night, it's currently 6:50am, and I don't plan to go to bed today. I really need to get a normal sleeping rhythm cause it's pretty messed up lately.
(Thanks to my insomnia!)
When I'm in the US it actually doesn't matter though cause there is the time difference, so technically I wouldn't have a problem going to bed in the evening there cause it'd be the same time I'm going to bed here in the morning XD
A horray for time difference!! LOL
but that's all just TECHNICALLY! With my luck it'll get even worse..

Ahh~ I already feel very tired. I think it is because I watched Morning Musume's Ai Believe concert and cried water walls, and also I watched the documentary of Super Junior's concert in Paris. (Don't ask why, I'm not even a fan of SuJu XDD) I was very touched by their stories and cried. >_< So my eyes burn a little right now.. you probably know that feeling right? But I wanna stay up, try maintain a normal sleeping rhythm and buy a ticket for "Rock am See" where Green Day will be the headliner! I'm very excited *___*

Also, hopefully when I get my ass up in that one week that is left, I'll probably will record a new dance cover for a K-pop dance contest, so cross fingers lol

Basically, I was just bored, I hadn't really had something to talk about as you can tell, so I'm just gonna leave it to that and hope you all have a better sleep then I do!

I hope to see you all again soon~ byes~ :DD

Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Process of my USA Travel Preparation!

As I told you here is my update post on.. basically everything that is going on. XD
These days I keep loosing turquoise hair instead of pink and as I glared out of the window this morning, my eyes met a very beautiful sunrise.
I had trouble finding my SD card but I managed to take some pictures!

Awww yea.. I love sunrises! *-*
But anyways.. let's start with the updates~

As you might know by now, I'm going to meet up with Xhirachu, when I'm on vacation!
Since she lives about 5 hours away from Chicago, we decided to meet in about the middle, which is Indianapolis!
We also found some very nice places to record! *__*
But due to one of those locations lighting up when it gets dark we wanna stay there over night so we can record when it's glowing! So we'll probably meet from Saturday 19th to Sunday 20th.
She even would skip prom only to meet up with me for 2 days! TwT
That means we have to share a hotel.. I'm going to spend more money than actually intended.. but HECK THAT IS WORTH IT! It'll be awesome sharing a hotel TwT

I'm so excited for it, though I worry about not getting the dances done in time!
See, it's only 2 weeks and 5 days left til I'm going to leave.. I'll practice there anyways.. but I seriously need to speed the fuck up!
I already learned Yuikaori's "Our Steady Boy" and am in the practicing process of Magnet right now. So yea, Poker Face is left.. I really am affraid, that I won't get this done!
Probably gonna record some practice videos... Ö_Ö
ARGH rather then sitting here complaining, I should get my ass up and practice and that's why this is all for today.
I know, I know, a pretty uninteresting and useless post, but still I had to get that off my mind. The last days I was very talkative. lol
I hope this wasn't too boring, there will be another Process-post thingie regarding my Youtube activities :D
But that's it for now, bye~ 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Birthday Post

[ATTENTION!! I DIDN'T READ THROUGH THIS AGAIN BEFORE POSTING! Cause you can guess, I'm lazy. It's like 3:35am right now so yea.. I apologize for any stupid fault I made in this XD]

I knooooow I knooow, my birthday is some time ago.. actually only 1 week and some days but HEEY! I haven't made a birthday post yet! lol
There is actually not THAT much to tell about my birthday.. I haven't had big party even if a turned 16. I don't have THAT much friends to be honest haha (I don't like having SO MUCH friends either so I can't complain ^_^)
But it was fun anyways!
My best friend came right after school and also stood over night and missed school on the next day because "she was feeling ill." *cough* (But she really felt a bit ill, she collapsed the day before ÖwÖ)

Anyways.. I'm starting with the presents I got! ^O^
My uncle had me gift cards for cinema (I was dying to go to cinema again, thank you uncle >w<)

From my bestest friend I got an awesome and color full cake which she baked before going to school at 6 in the morning!! XDD

Also the Final Fantasy XII game (just to realize the next day that I already owned the game only in the case for FF X-2, so I didn't know it was XII, which pretty much sucked, still have to go to the store to return it D:)
I also got a lot of money! lol Pretty much everyone passed me a envelop with dollars in it. I now own $471 which is pretty awesome!

I know I'll get a lot more money before leaving but that was the humble sum I got for my birthday hahah
Also got about $150 in Euro's of which I will spend about $80 for Rock am See where Green Day will be the head liner this year!! AND HELL IT'S IN MY CITY!! *___*
Also from my sister I got an "Awesome As Fuck" Poster of Green Day's latest live album! :DD I really wondered what she may present me cause you see, we are COMPLETE OPPOSITES, like seriously. We have barely ANYTHING in common. I was so happy when I unwrapped it and saw it!

Moving on, my mother's birthday present was actually my new hair color which costed her A LOT, she also bought me three used Green Day CD'S (Green Day Green Day Green Day lol) "International Superhits", "Shenanigans" and "A Bullet In A Bible" Live CD & DVD! <3

Also I got some beautiful roses from her. I told her I wanted black
roses, sadly they are pretty expensive so she started a try herself, bought 1 red and 15 white roses and tried to dye them herself.. this is what came out..
Still the effect was so amazingly cool, I totally loved it *____* BUT the best out of this all...

Seriously, I was so mindblown when I saw her coming up the stares with this!! I freaked out like crazy! I still can't get over how amazing this tasted!! T__T I love my mom!
But the cake was a fucking load, it was very big and my mom even planned to build it even higher! It already had 6 layers @_@ lol
Aww lord, pure sugar, I tell you guys. I wish I could've shared this with you! haha

Also got some nice yellow tulips from my grandma, who I'm going to the US with ^_^

My other girl friend who came to visit me, also baked me a cake (it was called health cake.. tasted lemoney, was delicious XDD)

So that was basically it for presents. As I said before, I didn't really party a lot.. we sat and talked, had fun and enjoyed spending time together. Later in the evening we started drinking a bit and had a little BBQ in my room! Oh lord, that was a mess.. never let slightly drunk teenagers (In Germany you are allowed to drink soft alcohol at the age of 16 btw) have a BBQ!
We used a raclett grill, ahah

Also there is a little story I gotta tell ya, regarding the drinking age in Germany. As just mentioned above, legal drinking age for soft alcohlic drinks such as beer, is 16. Hard alcohol you are allowed to legally drink at the age of 18.
So when it was just a few minutes past 12am, my sister (14 YEARS) was the first to gratulate me. She hugged me and wished me a Happy Birthday and then right away said "Oh hey, since you're 16 now, you can buy me beer and sparkling wine! :DD"
And I was like WTF! XDD

My mom also gave me this effin' big lolly saying "Happy Birthday!" on it!

When we started the BBQ also one of my guy friends came, was about 12am I guess XD

Yea that day was pretty awesome, Until now the best birthday I had! XD
A week before Xhirachu also told me, she would be able to meet up, so this was kind of a birthday present as well! :DD

Okay okay, to finish this up, I will post some updates on my US trip and the dance learning process a bit later today. And on my youtube dancing as well Ö_Ö So please look forward to it!
Have a nice night, see you, bye~ ^_^

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Ohhey, who's that turquoise haired girl?

What is there much to say about my new hair color?
Well, firstly.. it's TURQUOISE not BLUE!! XD
People keep saying "Oh, that blue hair fits you so well!" and stuff, I'm thankful for that, really thankful, but please stop calling it blue! XDD Cause it's not lol Even the color I dyed it with, is called "Turquoise".

Anyways.. here are some pictures ^__^
These are my two favorites lol

As for the turquoise, this might do it, the other one below shows how the red is involved into that hairstyle. (Here you can see what it looks like from below a bit.)
Sadly the red is not as bright as I had wished, it looks more like a redish brown, but yesterday I bought a red hair dye and will re-dye my hair tomorrow, so it'll look nice for my birthday.
(Which is on Monday, haha.)

This is basically how the "red" hair is involved into the turquoise, I think it's a nice distribution ^^
So yea besides of the brownish red, I FRIGGIN' LOVE MY HAIR! I MEAN IT'S TURQUOISE! I just AWSEDRFTGZU
*spazzing attack over*

I got a lot of nice comments on it but the very best was this
"Wow, TOP's really grown his hair out. 8D"
(Which my bro Maggie Strange made, her youtube: zoompha)

And in case if you don't know who TOP is.. well then I can't help you anymore >_>
No seriously now, he's the rapper of korean boy group BIGBANG which is my favorite band in like the whole universe, and for their comeback this march, he got his hair dyed blue.. like this  or this
And if you don't know how much I love this guy.. visit my Tumblr!!
So yea, I guess you understand how much of a compliment this is TwT

This post was full of spazzing so I guess I'm just gonna end it here now and let your enjoy the sexyness of TOP and my new hair color lol
but beware.. TOP. IS MINE.
Crazy fangirl over and out!

Friday, April 13, 2012

People insulting me for..

For what, you may ask. For posting mostly in english on Facebook.
Yes, yes my fellows, you heard right.

Just the night before, I was still online on Facebook and then one of my german friends texted me suprisingly (I went to school with him once but since then we hadn't had ANY contact at all.)
As you know, I'm german.
So this is what he texted me: "IM NOT BEEING YOUR FRIEND ON FACEBOOK ANYMORE! GOD DAMN I HATE YOUR POSTS" and then he added in german "and why the heck are you always writing in english?!"

I.. I really don't know how to express my feelings for this.
Like, are you f*ckin' serious?
Are you trying to make fun of me because I mostly post in english on Facebook?!

First off, I'm sorry that I'm able to speak a few more sentences than "Hi, How are you?".
Sometimes I feel like those people are just mad at themselves for not being able to understand a word. Cause honestly, those people learning english ONLY in school are VERY bad at speaking/reading/understanding english.
The stuff we got teached at school is so low-levelish.
That's another reason why I had decided to drop out from school and take an external exam.
It actually really annoyed me how my teacher always talked really slowly and explained everything a hundred times. I was seriously so bored cause I understood eveything perfectly fine after he was like half finished with his sentence. And than I had to wait like 5 minutes til he let us start with our exercises.
And I'm not trying to brag here, it's just that I started to learn english very early and now I'm able to speak very fluent.

So now he insulted me for speaking english, and I was like "Da heck?"
Like to be honest, I'm not discriminating ANYBODY for not speaking english that well, but he presented himself as a very stupid and inconsiderate person and that's what I found very offending and dumb. I mean, it is his choice of how to present himself, but.. yea, just sayin'

This was probably a very boring post for you all, but I just had to get this off my chest, it really annoyed me! D:
Sorry for bothering you lol
Off to buy batteries now, so I can take pictures of my new hair color :P

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

No longer being called Pinky!

So almost a year (It's 3 days missing I think) of having pink hair has passed now!
I first dyed them pink on my last year's birthday, so since my 16th birthday is nearing (5 days to go~ w00t) I decided to finally get another hair color.
Not because I got sick of that pink, my mom and sister did though XD
but because I just wanna try something new and refreshing.

When I told my friend want kind of color I wanna get she was all like "ARGH It'll be so odd, I so got used to your pink hair, I love it! But still you will look awesome with that new color!!"
Haha <3 (My sister was totally pissed when I told her about my plans: "URGH! Can't you dye you hair with normal colors? Like normal people do!")
Yea, it'll be kinda odd to me as well, I loved passing by a mirror, seeing my pink hair, it always made me happy. 

But leading to my next point, I'm pretty sure you want to know what color I'll dye my hair to.
There'll be two. Turquoise and red!! And if you can't imagine how this might look like, there you go~

I totally love this. It was kind of like love on the first sight, haha. :DD
So tomorrow I'll go to my hairdresser and this will happen. lol
I hope you guys will look forward to it as much as I do! I'm really excited and though it means I'll have to endure lots of pain (not only the bleeching will hurt, but also I got a very big swelling on my head, it'll hurt twice as much =A=)

Oh well, beauty knows no pain, right?
*My new motto for tomorrow XDD*
Wish me look guys, will upload photos right when I'm back from the hairdresser!


Oh guys, oh oh oh GUYS! You will never guess.. never. Except for when you're following Xhirachu's Tumblr XD
Y'know, Xhirachu (VISIT. HER. YOUTUBE.) and I are really good friends since my debut on YT.. sadly only internet friends cause she lives in the US while I live in Germany.. which pretty much sucks.
BUT (even though I haven't posted about it) I'm going on vacation to Chicago this year in may!! 
Hahaha! (Yay's for excited Seungri dancing gif XD)
You don't even know how happy I am! I cried so much when my grandma called and asked if I wanna come with her! lol
Like 20 minutes or so.. OMG I couldn't stop.

Then, right away, when I was able to get up from my bed again, I went online on facebook and texted Xhirachu about this.
Unfortunately her city and Chicago are 5 hours apart from each other, she worried about not being able to meet up with me cause she might be busy with school stuffs
BUT THEN YESTERDAY she texted me again.. And holy fucking shit!! Her mom said she will drive her to the place we would meet up!
And I was SO happy and I still am. I cried, screamed and laughed so much.. that I ended up with a sore throat.
That was the second when I started to plan the whole journey, haha.

So since we know each other from Youtube and both love to dance, of course we will do some live collabs!! WHICH IS FRIGGIN' AWESOME CAUSE THAT IS WHAT I ALWAYS DESIRED TO DO!
Our setlist is as the following
- Magnet (aira* & Miume)
- 2 people arrangement of Poker Face (DANCEROID)
- Our Steady Boy (Yuikaori)

So yea that is basically what I got to tell you for this post. I will keep you updated on my planning & learning process and also on other dancey stuffs.
So stay tuned
Crazy person over and out!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I'm crying like crazy right now! I'm so friggin' happy and just.. overjoyed!
Me as a very very very proud and die-hard VIP, I can't stop fangirling and just freaking out about this rawrsome news!
I wasn't really in a good mood today and also really tired.. BUT THEN I went on facebook.. AND FRIGGIN' FREAKED OUT!!! lol
(I'm sorry for swearing so much lol)
Read it here http://www.facebook.com/notes/bigbang/yg-entertainment-and-live-nation-proudly-announce-the-bigbang-alive-tour-2012/113356082056263

And the most important thing about this it that they'll come to Europe as well.. I hope they'll make at least one stop in Germany!!
My mother even said that she'll go to England or France with me if they won't come to Germany.. ÖwÖ <3
To cut this long story short.. There's a friggin' big fat party going on in my room right now!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tumblr~ ^o^

You guys.. this is just a short one!
I have a Tumblr and I'm active everyday so please follow it if you're interested in random fangirl stuff XDD

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Asianpoplyrics a.k.a APL ^_^

Everyoneeee~ It is me again..
This is just a little something I wanted to tell you costantly but I always forgot to.. so here I am! XD
So a very good friend and me, we (actually she own's it and I'm just her co-woker lol) own a lyrics site for color coded K-pop lyrics, as well as German and English song translations of any kind of asian music ^__^ (Only K-pop, since almost the only J-pop we're listening to is H!P (or solo singers) and there is already a very good color code site for H!P lyrics)
It's name is Asianpoplyrics a.k.a APL ;P

The translation section is all mine and there are only german ones posted yet, cause once I post english ones I want to translate them from Japanese/Korean myself and not copy & paste it ^__^
But therefore I need to study a bit more cause I'm not that good and those languages yet XD

As for the color code section, we both post there. We have a big range of bands, solo singer and so one and we try to update everyday as much as possible to finish as much albums as possible! :3
So I'd like to ask you to check out our lyrics site and follow it, if you find it useful:

We also have a facebook page, where every update and every new color code will be posted
You can also request songs, albums or artists to color code or translate or vote for our suggestions!
Please like it if you want~ :DD http://www.facebook.com/pages/Asianpoplyrics/300718776635903

We both appreciate every like, comment, suggestion and follower~ ÖwÖ
So thank you guys for listening, just wanted to share this with you and yea.. gonna go to bed soon, so good night, haha n_n