Yes, yes my fellows, you heard right.
Just the night before, I was still online on Facebook and then one of my german friends texted me suprisingly (I went to school with him once but since then we hadn't had ANY contact at all.)
As you know, I'm german.
So this is what he texted me: "IM NOT BEEING YOUR FRIEND ON FACEBOOK ANYMORE! GOD DAMN I HATE YOUR POSTS" and then he added in german "and why the heck are you always writing in english?!"
I.. I really don't know how to express my feelings for this.
Like, are you f*ckin' serious?
Are you trying to make fun of me because I mostly post in english on Facebook?!
First off, I'm sorry that I'm able to speak a few more sentences than "Hi, How are you?".
Sometimes I feel like those people are just mad at themselves for not being able to understand a word. Cause honestly, those people learning english ONLY in school are VERY bad at speaking/reading/understanding english.
The stuff we got teached at school is so low-levelish.
That's another reason why I had decided to drop out from school and take an external exam.
It actually really annoyed me how my teacher always talked really slowly and explained everything a hundred times. I was seriously so bored cause I understood eveything perfectly fine after he was like half finished with his sentence. And than I had to wait like 5 minutes til he let us start with our exercises.
And I'm not trying to brag here, it's just that I started to learn english very early and now I'm able to speak very fluent.
So now he insulted me for speaking english, and I was like "Da heck?"
Like to be honest, I'm not discriminating ANYBODY for not speaking english that well, but he presented himself as a very stupid and inconsiderate person and that's what I found very offending and dumb. I mean, it is his choice of how to present himself, but.. yea, just sayin'
This was probably a very boring post for you all, but I just had to get this off my chest, it really annoyed me! D:
Off to buy batteries now, so I can take pictures of my new hair color :P
wow das es noch solche menschen gibt Ö__Ö