Saturday, April 14, 2012

Ohhey, who's that turquoise haired girl?

What is there much to say about my new hair color?
Well, firstly.. it's TURQUOISE not BLUE!! XD
People keep saying "Oh, that blue hair fits you so well!" and stuff, I'm thankful for that, really thankful, but please stop calling it blue! XDD Cause it's not lol Even the color I dyed it with, is called "Turquoise".

Anyways.. here are some pictures ^__^
These are my two favorites lol

As for the turquoise, this might do it, the other one below shows how the red is involved into that hairstyle. (Here you can see what it looks like from below a bit.)
Sadly the red is not as bright as I had wished, it looks more like a redish brown, but yesterday I bought a red hair dye and will re-dye my hair tomorrow, so it'll look nice for my birthday.
(Which is on Monday, haha.)

This is basically how the "red" hair is involved into the turquoise, I think it's a nice distribution ^^
So yea besides of the brownish red, I FRIGGIN' LOVE MY HAIR! I MEAN IT'S TURQUOISE! I just AWSEDRFTGZU
*spazzing attack over*

I got a lot of nice comments on it but the very best was this
"Wow, TOP's really grown his hair out. 8D"
(Which my bro Maggie Strange made, her youtube: zoompha)

And in case if you don't know who TOP is.. well then I can't help you anymore >_>
No seriously now, he's the rapper of korean boy group BIGBANG which is my favorite band in like the whole universe, and for their comeback this march, he got his hair dyed blue.. like this  or this
And if you don't know how much I love this guy.. visit my Tumblr!!
So yea, I guess you understand how much of a compliment this is TwT

This post was full of spazzing so I guess I'm just gonna end it here now and let your enjoy the sexyness of TOP and my new hair color lol
but beware.. TOP. IS MINE.
Crazy fangirl over and out!


  1. But isn't turquoise a shade of blue? Lol

    1. Hahaha it's more like a mix of blue and green, so it's not blue XDD Turquoise is a special shade of blue.. so one does not easily call it blue. Ö_Ö LOLOL XD

  2. Hi nice color. I did it but.... I ask for turquoise to my hairstyler and he made me dark blue sooo :$ fom what brand iz your hair color
